Something that caught my eye on Twitter almost as soon as
I updated my last post was a tweet from Lord Alan Sugar stating
"Disgusting that xmas presents were stolen from @greatormondstreet kids . Replace them and send me the bill to
This is in relation to the fact that recently up to twenty presents were stolen from Great Ormond Street hospital including DVD players, games consoles and toys. (Guardian 2012)
Now at first this looks like Lord Sugar is fully embracing the Christmas spirit by making a donation to people a lot less fortunate than himself. Then it comes to mind, why would the bill get sent to a brand new business called "Stylfile" ? A similar tweet was also posted by "Inventor Tom", Lord Sugars partner in this new business. Lastly Stylefile themselves have put forward a similar message. This message has been re-tweeted nearly 15,000 times in under a day, with Christmas only a week away. Therefore, for a promise made to replace twenty toys this new brand has been exposed to nearly 15,000 people in 16 hours. Personally I would say that is up there with some of the most effective and economical public relations strategies.
However, I suppose it's Christmas and part of me wants to just believe that message was sent out with all good intentions and the fact it could boost sales and was great for brand exposure was just mere coincidence. Merry Christmas to the children of Great Ormond Street and I hope you wake up to the presents you deserve.
Marketing Student.
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